Vegan Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Muddy Buddies recipe is a perfectly healthy twist on an all-time favorite snack. An easy recipe to pull together with zero guilt! {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan}
Have you ever heard of Amy from Amy’s Healthy Baking? Well, in case you haven’t (unlikely), to put it simply, she is an amazing person. I had the absolute pleasure to meet her last year at the first Pinch of Yum Photography Workshop.
You know those people who you immediately connect with? Well, that’s Amy. She’s a fellow nerd, Type A personality understand-er, and one of the most positive individuals on all fronts. We also have full-fledged rambling Snapchat conversations on a daily basis.
She’s my kind of person.
Who would’ve thunk I’d find a real, genuine friend at a workshop? So crazy.
I feel very fortunate to be able to call her my friend. Not only is she an amazing person, she is an extremely talented photographer and entrepreneur.
This delicious Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Muddy Buddies recipe is from her Healthier Chocolate Treats Cookbook.
And let me tell you, there are so many delicious recipes in this cookbook, now available in digital format as well!
So let’s talk about this muddy buddy recipe. One word: Epic.
First we need a big ol’ bowl of rice pocket cereal.
Then we pour this phenomenal chocolate sauce onto the cereal. Made with almond milk, corn starch and chocolate, this sauce thickens to a thin chocolate pudding. It’s like magic. Delicious magic.
I was raised with puppy chow and last year I made a healthier low-sugar version of puppy chow. Puppy chow involves peanut butter though, which leaves out the people with peanut allergies!
This Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Muddy Buddies recipe is something amazing that everyone can enjoy!
(The dark chocolate and cinnamon combination is also spot on.)
The best part of muddy buddies are the clusters!!
Those massive, delicious chunks of chocolate, powdered sugar, and rice pockets is what I live for. It’s the perfect chocolate to cereal ratio.
As a kid, we would fight over these delicious clusters. Down to the last crumb at the bottom of the bag.
It was and still is my go-to summer road trip snack.
I’ll just let you bask in that Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Muddy Buddy clusters beauty for a second.
Many of her recipes have gluten-free substitutions. There is a designated substitutions index for each recipe in the back of the book to convert many of the recipes to gluten-free and/or dairy-free.
Amy thought of everything with this book. No surprise there, though. Type A personalities unite!
Now, let’s go enjoy these Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Muddy Buddies.
They will not disappoint and will be friendly on our waistlines. #Success

OMG I loveeeeee Muddy Buddies and Amy’s blog! I always loved the sugar-laden version when I was younger. 😉 But I like that this version is healthier and with the addition of cinnamon. This is why we’re the same person. CHOCOLATE <3
Isn’t she awesome! These healthier Muddy Buddies really do give the childhood version a run for it’s money. It’s delicious! 🙂
Awwwww you are the BEST!! My heart is so happy right now!! And the fact that you included our seriously awesome Snapchat conversations… ???????????????? I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you over the past, ummmm, 9 months?? It seems like it’s been WAY longer than that! You’re always there for me, via Snap and text and email, and you’ve kept me sane on both the blogging work and personal life stuff. And now this… Your post is so sweet, and your photos are AMAZING!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So happy I was able to help out sweetie! And totally agree, it feels like we’ve known each other WAY longer than just 9 months, lol but in a good way. 🙂 MWAH! xoxo.
OMG I’m a muddy buddy freak! These pics are making me drool, seriously!
I can’t even disclose how quickly this batch went in my house. . . just way too fast. 😉