Easy Chocolate Fudge recipe is Foolproof and will have you saying “Oh, Fudge” in a good way, without the gluten!
(Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free and Vegan friendly)
To say my year has been complete might be an understatement.
I’ve discussed my lack of fudge capabilities in the past, because really I cannot make a fudge for the life of me.
I believe it’s a gene passed down from my mother… I still remember back growing up how she would attempt a fudge recipe each year and they NEVER turned out right.
Most of the time they were gritty, too soft and wouldn’t hold together, all the possible problems that could happen with fudge… it happened with my mother.
She was kind enough to pass this gene down to me.
But the exciting news is – I’ve FINALLY broken the curse.
That’s right, we’ve got easy FOOLPROOF chocolate fudge recipe here on VB now. Oh my word, 2017 is finally complete.
Really, if I can make this, anyone can. Believe in yourself and believe in awesome fudge.
Even if you have inherited the fudge fail gene. We’ve got you covered this holiday season.
I’ve always avoided condensed milk. It’s to be honest, it kinddd of grossed me out. Until one day I came across an organic sweetened condensed milk.
I was intrigued. So I bought it.
Making this Easy Chocolate Fudge Dairy-Free
For dairy-free there is now Condensed Coconut Milk! You are welcome dairy-free peeps.
It’s been sitting in my cabinet for a couple months now and one day I was like what the heck, why not just keep twisting the knife in my ‘I fail at making fudge’ wound. What do I got to lose?
We will be moving soon again and I’ve got to make SOMETHING with it before we move.
Diving into the old grandma recipe book I uncovered during our first move. . .
Foolproof Chocolate Fudge? Please live up to your name and be easy.
Live up to its name it did. It is amazing.
Chewy. Perfect Crust Crunch. Chocolate Explosion in my mouth. Heaven.
I personally liked the sea salt addition. You can adorn with whatever you’d like! Add nuts or even a peanut butter swirl. The sky’s the limit.
I’ll sit over here with my easy Foolproof Chocolate Fudge adorned with a sprinkle of sea salt and prepare myself for this holiday season. My year is complete now that 28 years later I’ve finally accomplished and made chocolate fudge that is perfect to give away!
Mine wont get firm, I fudged up (lol) and let it sit overnight outside of the fridge. I put it in when i woke up and two hours later it’s still not firm. Is there a way to save it?
Ah! I’ve fudged up so many times with other recipes but I cannot think for the life of me what could of gone wrong with this one! I truthfully have never failed with this recipe to be able to advise. I do know that you can freeze it and it will become freezer fudge lol I’ve learned that from my other fudged up fudge attempts in the past. LOL
This fudge will not firm. I followed the directions exactly and I let it sit in the fridge overnight. I’ve made fudge several times with all different recipes and this is the first one that didn’t turn out.
Whatttttttttttttttttttt. I am so surprised honestly that I don’t even know how to advise. This fudge recipe is the only recipe that ever turns out for me. Adding your comment here though and perhaps someone can advise.