Gluten-Free Cinnamon Apple Pancakes recipe with warm, gooey apple slices tucked into the center of each pancake. Easy made-from-scratch gluten-free pancake mix with a cozy cinnamon apple twist. {Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Low-calorie}
Is it odd to have Cinnamon Apple Pancakes in June? No? OK, good.
Now that summer has finally arrived, we are all into fresh berries and other goodies from nature that are coming into the stores.
But please bear with me here as we go back into the fall season with these gluten-free cinnamon apple pancakes that are also dairy-free. #HelloBreakfastEverySingleDay
Now that we’ve mastered the all-time-epic gluten-free pancake base, there are going to be pancakes all day, err day.
I could not with a good conscience stop at just one pancake recipe. In reality, I am back here in my kitchen whipping together every pancake you can think of.
I’ve done many batches of buttermilk pancakes, blueberry pancakes, cinnamon pancakes, and of course we cannot forget about these cinnamon apple pancakes. Simple, perfect stack of pancakes. #getinmybelly
First you have to peel the apple, then core it using a handy dandy apple corer. This handy tool is an absolute favorite of mine. Continue by thinly slicing apples into thin circular slices.
You are more than welcome to use a mandolin slicer to complete the thin slices. I own one, but I hardly use it. It’s just too much clean-up work for me, plus I am clumsy and always terrified I’m going to slice a piece of my finger off.
If you saw last week’s Snapchat (username:VeggieBalance), you know I received epic burns on my fingers after R left on a burner. I placed my fingers RIGHT onto the hot burner. They blistered immediately and hurt for days. At this point, I still can’t feel the tips of my fingers. . .
(You can see the burns on my fingers after almost two weeks in the picture above.)
Perhaps the feeling in those fingers will come back eventually? LOL
To get apple slices into the center of these pancakes is rather simple. Pour batter into a heated skillet, place an apple ring into the center of the pancake, flip the pancake to cook the other side, and voila!
The apple slices become warm, gooey and pure bliss when combined with pure maple syrup.
TIP: Apple slices tend to make the center of the pancake seem a little undercooked. That may not be your favorite type of pancake {R hates all things undercooked}.
I LOVE undercooked, un-baked batter of any kind. Cookie dough? Heckss yess. What salmonella poisoning? Psh.
OPTION: After cooking your pancakes, simply add apple slices, 1 Tablespoon of butter, and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon to the skillet. Cook 2-3 minutes. Top pancakes with these warm and gooey apple slices.
Thank you my amazing VB friends. Thank you for allowing me to bring a little bit of fall into these summer days. These cinnamon apple pancakes were worth every bit of flack I may get. After whipping up a batch of these on a weekend morning, I think you will agree.
I absolutely love these! Apple cinnamon pancakes are probably the best ever. And I would never be able to tell they’re gluten free.
Haha thanks Allie, I concur, it’s a pretty darn delicious flavor combo. 😉
Ugh, need these pancakes like now! Love apples and cinnamon in pancakes Mmmmmm
I seriously have JUST switched up my morning breakfast this week. Before, I was eating pancakes everyday for weeks. lol it truly is the best way to start your day. 🙂
This is creative!
Thanks Megan. 🙂