Clean and Healthy One Pot Vegan Lentil Sloppy Joes
I seriously can’t wait any longer. I have to share these delicious lentil sloppy joes with you guys! Needing a easy Memorial day meal for those vegans/vegetarians? Look no further, it’s right here! I’ll admit, I’ve missed sloppy joes.
It most definitely isn’t the meat part that I miss though. No, there is just something so perfect about the sauce! Oh the sauce, I know it’s practically spaghetti sauce but man the tangy taste sloppy joe sauce has gives me happy feelings in my tummy.
I’ve tried sloppy joes with the vegetarian soy ‘beef’ when I started this journey of eating clean. However, after reading up more into soy, it’s not something I want to be consuming all the time and if I can avoid it I will. I’m also not a fan of the everyday Manwich sloppy joe sauce that comes in the can either.
Yes, there is no doubt in my mind, it is beyond heavenly delicious. The ingredient list however isn’t so heavenly. I try to eat as ‘back to basics’ as possible and canned sauce that has high fructose corn syrup as the second ingredient?
Yeah, I’ll pass. My goal was to find a different and healthier way to still get that delicious tangy sauce into my belly. My solution? LENTILS. These little legumes are packed with protein, fiber and delicious goodness.
I ate this in lettuce wraps, on a whole grai bun and also on a baked potato. Every way was more delicious than the last. The baked potato combo in my opinion was the BEST.
I seriously caught myself groaning over how delicious it was, I felt like a cave-woman. I’m at a lost for words on how delicious it was, not to mention a much healthier alternative.
I’ll make a batch of this on meal prep day (Sunday) and be able to eat it the entire week. I use to HATE leftovers as a kid and even a couple years back I still did. I kind of blame my mother honestly for the reason I hated leftovers. (Isn’t that what we all do? lol)
Growing up with a single mother she did what any single working mother would do. Make a big batch of dinner on Sunday and we’d eat it allllll week. Ugh I was so sick of whatever she made by the end of the week.
She was a great cook don’t get me wrong, just ugh I never understood why we ate the same thing every night! Now i do.
I realized early on that eating clean requires planning and prepping for the week. I don’t want to be cooking in my kitchen every night after work. Also, if it’s not in your fridge ready to eat the likelihood of going out to eat out of convenience will happen.
Planning ahead is key to eating healthier. Make a batch of it on the weekend and have it to eat all week. Thanks Mom for trying teach me something early on, and of course I didn’t listen until now. 🙂
So glad you liked the recipe, Lindsay. I’m kind of in love with the fact that you put it in a baked potato. That sounds amazing!
Thank you for sharing it! Putting it on the baked potato was AMAZING. LOL it’s a must to try I say 🙂